Psy breaking records with “Gentleman” – Again!

Psy – the artist (debatable) responsible for giving us “Gangnam Style” is now back, and breaking more records.

After reading this post on TechCrunch, Psy has released another hit with “Gentleman” and accumulated 38 million hits on day 1 of appearing on YouTube.

Gangnam Style was the first video to hit 1 billion views back in December and achieved a whopping $8 million in revenue for Google via Youtube!

So with “Gentleman” reaching an audience of 100 million in just four days, there could be a surge from the same artist to beat records associated with the social platform.

Definitely not my cup of tea, but here is the video regardless..

Facebook Home

A little time has passed since my postings, but I will keep them more regular I promise. Found this while browsing Digital Buzz the other day. Facebook are looking to keep connections everywhere whilst using a phone.

Facebook Home

Facebook home allows communication with friends no matter what tasks are being carried out on the mobile, therefore eradicating the need to actually use the Facebook app. You can Facebook at any time more conveniently.

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Sound Of The Underground

It has been a while since my last post! I have legitimate reasoning though. I have been involved in a lot of uni work over the past few weeks, preparing for group assignments and placement searches. I am actually posting about something I found a couple of weeks back, which I found really interesting.

I’m a music fan, as I’m sure a lot of people are. My iPod is an essential to any journey I make alone, as a pass time and a source of entertainment. Music makes everything better – socializing, working, even training.

But what about when your not alive?



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Netflix – No Flix?

A while has passed since my last post! I will put that down to assignments due, interview prep and general rushing around. It doesn’t help when you work in retail over Christmas either, with a lot of hours!

Anyway.. hope all readers have had a nice festive period. This post may concern a few subscribers to the Internet media streaming company Netflix!


How dependent are companies on “cloud” servers? AWS (Amazon Web Services) is being blamed for the failure of Netflix service. Continue reading

Poor view? Pogoseat forward!

Have you ever been given a poor view at a sporting event? Pillars in your way, or even way back in row Z?

It is always even more annoying when you can actually see seats with a better view available, that nobody has taken!


The chances of grabbing those seats without being caught by a steward or a ticket man without telling you to move out of the seats are slim! Well thanks to Pogoseat, there is now a way to improve your sporting experiences, and occupy those seats with a better view!

Although this is idea is based for American Sports, such as basketball and baseball, the innovative application is a groundbreaking idea. So, how does it work?

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007 in 70 Seconds!

Every boy/man would love to live the fantasy life of James Bond. The cars, the women, the action.. everybody loves James Bond. Well Coca-Cola have made the James Bond fantasy real, even if only for just over a minute!

Coca-Cola zero have produced a “real life” James Bond challenge, promoting the new film Skyfall and offering exclusive tickets to the screening!

A “chase” scene has been created and implemented in to a vending machine in a train station. The chase is activated when customers wish to purchase a drink from the machine.  Continue reading

“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

5th October 2011 was the date that one of the worlds great technological genius’ passed away.

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

Apple have paid homage to their founder, through a short montage containing quotes and images from Steve Jobs on their homepage of their website. You can view the video by clicking here.

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Deal with your Face?!

Well its been a long time since I’ve last posted on here which is not good! But I’m back now, and looking to get this away from being stagnant for as long as it has been!

I’ve been on my summer holidays from uni and I’ve had a quality couple of months. Been on a quiet holiday with my mates to a nice rural place called Malia.. hmm. Also had a “quiet weekend” at Leeds Festival which was absolutely amazing!

I need to get my head screwed back on for uni as I go back in the next couple of weeks, so I’ve been doing a bit of Internet scouring and found a curious video involving Facebook and checking in.

Here it goes!

FaceDeals is a system which is looking to change the way in which people check-in on Facebook. For me personally, I don’t really check in much, unless I’m somewhere I feel is worthy of a check-in – at the airport or at Anfield perhaps. But anyway, this is crazy! Continue reading

“Wheely” Good Stunt

Another post today! What’s going on; thats two in a day!

Anyway, just wanted to post this World Records attempt by Hot Wheels company.

“Hot wheels drivers, Tanner Foust and Greg Tracy set a Guinness World Record racing two vehicles through the impressive six-story double vertical loop at the X Games in Los Angeles last weekend.” as descirbed on Digital Buzz Blog.

I personally didn’t realise that the Hot Wheels company still existed! They used to be one of my favourite toys as a child, along with Knex!

Anyway, check out this monumental effort at what seems an fatal task. Them drivers certainly have some bottle!